Secrets of Artists is a collection of interviews of incredibly talented contemporary artists from around the world. All of them share their heart and soul through their artwork and we capture their voice in these pages to learn about their lives, experiences and intimate thoughts. Enjoy reading!
Emma Webster: Where Worlds Begin and Unravel
In Music, Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsSeduction and Subversion: Marilyn Minter on Beauty, Power, and the Politics of Desire
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightNick Cave: The Art of Listening, The Art of Assembling
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightAn Interview with Beatrice Glow
In On the Rise, Secrets of ArtistsThe Sound of Transformation: Jason Moran’s Multidisciplinary Vision
In Music, Secrets of ArtistsArchitecture as a Cultural Script: Sir David Adjaye on the Power of Design
In Secrets of ArtistsXu Bing: The Artist Who Rewrote Language and Meaning
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsAnselm Kiefer: A Life Beyond Boundaries
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightThe Observer and the Observed: Joan Semmel’s Journey in Self-Portraiture
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsBarry X Ball: Redefining Sculptural Tradition with Modern Technology
In Music, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightQiu Xiaofei: Painting the Infinite Loop of Time
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsInside the Studio: Exploring the Art of Cristina de Miguel
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsAvant-Garde Notes: A Dialogue with Spencer Sweeney on Art, Music, and Nightlife
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsThe Fusion of Art and Engineering: Santiago Calatrava’s Iconic Creations
In Featured Now, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightResilience and Resistance: Inside Shirin Neshat’s Creative Mind
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightKiki Smith: Exploring the Embodiment of Humanity and Nature
In Featured Now, Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightFraming- Neil Jenney
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsTriptychs and Transformation: The Narrative Power of Leiko Ikemura’s Art
In Music, Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightExploring Memory and Collective Consciousness: Zhang Xiaogang in Conversation
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightCanvas Chronicles: Conversations with Pat Steir on Art, Life, and Liberty
In Featured Now, Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightCode Conductor: Orchestrating Light and Motion with Leo Villareal
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightZhang Enli: Exploring the Essence of Life Through Abstract Portraits
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightGrids and Boundaries: Mapping the Cultural Landscape in Remy Jungerman’s Art
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsHarmonizing Nature: The Architectural Philosophy of Kengo Kuma
In Secrets of Artists, SpotlightEmbodied Realms: An Interview with Izumi Kato on the Fusion of Tangible and Ethereal
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightLight, Dark, and Jazz: The Multifaceted Palette of Jason Boyd Kinsella
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsUrban Energies, Rural Tranquility: Vincent Dubourg’s Artistic Fusion
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightArt as a Mirror: The World According to Christian Jankowski
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsRachel Kneebone: A Journey through Sculptural Choreograph
In Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsDRIFT: A Dynamic Force at the Intersection of Art, Technology, and Nature
In Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsA Dialogue with Fred Tomaselli: Art and Inspiration
In Music, Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsMaarten Baas’s Sundial: A Creative Display of Shadow and Time
In Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsAljoscha’s Bioism: A Pathway to Novel Life Forms and Aesthetics
In Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsAi Weiwei: A Visionary at the Intersection of Art and Activism
In Featured Now, Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsFrom Sketches to Masterpieces: Vincenzo De Cotiis’s Path to Prominence
In Featured Now, Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsReflecting on the Ephemeral: A Dialogue with Jorge Macchi
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsDesigning Dreams: An Interview with Jean-Michel Gathy, Architect Extraordinaire
In Featured Now, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightLegacy in the Making: Robert Storr’s Ongoing Contribution to Art and Culture
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightInside the Studio with Peter Reginato: Exclusive Interview
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsChallenging the Art World Status Quo: An In-Depth Conversation with Marc Dennis
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightJourney Through History and Identity: An Interview with Matthias Bitzer
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightJorge Rodríguez: Redefining Beauty Through Deformation in Art
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightBrushing Nature’s Whispers: Antonio Murado’s Versatile Palette
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightRoberto Dutesco: Capturing the Soul of the Wild
In Secrets of Artists, SpotlightSacha Jafri: The Visionary Artist Blending Art and Philanthropy
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightTranquility and Introspection: Tomás Sánchez’s Immersive Landscapes
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightCubist Explorations: The Emotional Realm of Connor Addison
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsVintage Aesthetics and Everyday Narratives: An Interview with Morakinyo Femi
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsMelodies Unwound: Gregor Hildebrandt’s Tapestry of Time
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightFrom Words to Shapes: Unveiling the Artistic Language of Carlos Amorales
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightLuis Felipe Noé: El Viaje Artístico del Caos y el Color
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsLuis Felipe Noé: The Artistic Journey of Chaos and Color
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightArt, Love, and Activism: An Insightful Conversation with Alexandra Grant
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, Spotlight“Unlocking Imaginary Worlds: An Interview with Ezequiel Pini, the Visionary Behind Six N Five”
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, Spotlight“Aaron Poritz: Exploring the Intersection of Design and Art through Timeless Furniture and Sculpture”
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightAmy Genser’s Meditative Paper Art Inspired by the Natural World
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightRoby Dwi Antono: Joy & Sorrow
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightGillie and Marc: Love The Last March
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightScott Albrecht: Beauty and Grace of Geometric Abstraction
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightChiharu Shiota: Threads of Memories
In Featured Now, Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightJairo Alfonso: Objectscapes
In Music, Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightJose Camacho: Meditations in Allegory and Alchemy
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsHavier: The Surrealist Alchemist
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightGrimanesa Amorós: Ode to Lights
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightTony Sjöman :Composition, Rhythm, and Flow
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightAlexander Yulish: Symphonic Canvas
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightEugenio Cuttica: Love, Truth, Freedom And Beauty.
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightJet Le Parti: A Brilliant Work in Progress
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightSimon Berger: Shattering Beauty
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightEduardo Terranova: Light, Glitter and Magic or Luxury Paintings
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightHelmut Ditsch: The Grandiose Romantic of the Sublime
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightTobia Ravà: Transcendental Algorithms
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightDoug Argue: Letters to the Future
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightSky Kim: One Breath, One Spirit
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightAllison Green: The Healing Garden
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightTom Fruin: Kaleidoscopic Houses
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightLaura Lappi: Sculpting and Painting with Fire
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightHalim Flowers: “Love Is the Antibody”
In Secrets of Artists, SpotlightVincent Giarrano: Tales of New York
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightJean Paul Donadini: The Brush Wizard
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightMathieu Lehanneur: Leading the Vanguard in the International Design Scene.
In Featured Now, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightMassimiliano Pelletti: The Philosophical Interpretation of Marble
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightInterview with Painter, Set Designer, and Visual Artist Giuseppe Ragazzini
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightInterview Simone Fugazzotto: The Apes Brushstrokes
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightDelightfully Complex Carved Sculptures by Rogan Brown
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightAna D’Castro: The Infectious Dialogue Artist
In Secrets of Artists, SpotlightInterview with Rosso Emerald Crimson
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsFestus Kehinde Alagbe: Unmasked Identities
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightHong-yi Zhuang: “We might not all speak the same language, but we can all read flowers”
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightSebastien Courty: The Golden Thread Artist
In Secrets of Artists, SpotlightJaime Miranda-Bambarén: 13 Moons in New York City
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightConor Mccreedy Blue Narrative
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightInterview With Architect & Designer Marianna Fiorin
In Music, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightAlejandro Dron: The Liminal Artist
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightDalila Pasotti: Sculpting the Universe, A Visionary Dialogue Between Art and Science
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightTarik Currimbhoy: The Kinetic Sculptor
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightHunt Slonem: The Ephemeral Beauty Of Nature
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightInterview with Carolyn Oberst: “Each work of art is its own journey”
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightLee Jaehyo: Poetry with Wood and Stainless Steel Nails
In Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsJohan Wahlstrom: The Artist of a Thousand Faces
In Music, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightBenjamin Shine: Creative, Explorer and Inventor.
In Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsShay Kun: Lift Off
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightMarco Grassi Hyperrealism in Motion
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightNew York’s True Colors
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightFernando Mastrangelo: Art & Design
In Featured Now, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightIris Scott: The World’s Finest Finger Painter
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsWolfgang Stiller: Burnout Humans
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightAndrew Myers: Stunning Sculptures With Screws
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightIcy & Sot: Street Breakers
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightFabulous Tiny Dots: The Intimate Precision of Julia Koceva
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightMartín Riwnyj: Urban Tales
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightConor Mccreedy: Beyond The Blues
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightJulian Voss-Andreae: The Science Behind Arts.
In Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightBeñat Iglesias Lopez
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsFumiko Toda: Here, There & Everywhere.
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsExploring the Artistic Legacy of Arnaldo Pomodoro: A Journey Through his Iconic Spheres Around the World
In Featured Now, Sculptures, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightFernanda Piamonti: Mixed Media
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsLene Kilde: The Nutmeg Princess
In Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsEric Zener: Plunged In
In Paintings, Secrets of Artists, SpotlightArmando Mariño: All That You Have Is Your Soul
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsMatteo Pugliese: Passion & Determination
In Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsSusan Freda: The Lady of the Dress
In Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsRenelle White Buffalo: Lakota’s Soul
In Paintings, Secrets of ArtistsDaniela Forti: The Glass Enchanter.
In Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsMike Stilkey: The Magical Book Reviver
In Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsRegan Rosburg: Artist and Naturalist
In Featured Now, Paintings, Sculptures, Secrets of ArtistsGleb Goloubetski: From Russia to the World
In Featured Now, Paintings, Secrets of Artists